"Understanding the Computer System" is a book in which the Author has explained some facts about Information, Database, Binary Numbers, Computing Environment, Data Management, etc.
It's not necessary for you to be working in a record office or an institution to understand the information conveyed in the book. However, it only intended to introduce ideas of the importance for later discussions of data processing and computing issues.
There are various activities to draw the attention on your experience with computer system.
This book is designed as a support in the series of tasks that involve the use of computers to varying degrees in computerised places as it aims to familiarise those who may be unacquainted with some of these basic computer concepts.
The book has six primary aims. These are;
1. To introduce the key components of computer system (hardware, software, data, etc) .
2. To Acquaint readers with how computers work.
3. To present you with the basic concepts of various computing environments.
4. To give a broad view of how technology improves communications through the use of electronic gadgets.
5. To discuss the various kinds of storage media and recording format and methods commonly associated with computers.
6. To explain how to obtain more information on computerisation.
At the end of each lesson, there are summaries of major points and activities are also provided to help the reader think and digest what has been read.
Also, there are some Computer Keyboard Shortcuts to enhance the ability of the operational tasks in Computing.
There are list of selected Acronyms and Abbreviations along with their generally accepted definition to help the reader with some coding languages and some other words which they might not be familiar with.
To order for a copy of this book, contact;
Tel: +2348168343103, +2347057177040.
E-mail: adedejiadewale1@gmail.com.
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